Spooky After Images help students learn the multiples of seven, eight, and nine.

Students have to stare at the numbers in the center of the screen a long time in order for the after-image optical illusion to work. Watching the numbers ~ and whispering along with the sequence ~ will help your students recall multiples of seven, eight, and nine.

This ‘tricky’ skip counting activity is meant to be a ‘treat’ for your class.

However, as we know, not everyone is a fan of Halloween. Please take a look at all the images above to make sure that they are suitable for your students.

YOUR CLASS makes the sound track! Have students whisper along with the numbers in the first few images. After Frank N Wave, have students whisper the NEXT number in the sequence. This becomes especially challenging when staring a giant ant or spider in the face!

A Note about After Images:

After images are created by staring at something for more than 30 seconds then looking away. The trick is to keep your eyes locked onto one point the entire time. This makes your eyes ‘get tired’ of seeing certain colors so that when you look away, the opposite colors appear.

Make sure your students keep their eyes focused on the numbers in the center of the screen, or else the optical illusion will not work.

All the best!

Let me know how it goes!



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Isabelle Hoag M. Ed.