As a math teacher, you spend a lot of time showing students facts, logic, and step by step proofs. This puts you in an excellent position to prank your students on April Fools’ Day.

This year, make your April first learning goal:

If it’s too good to be true ~ it probably isn’t!

Share this video from The Kid Should See This. Be prepared for students who believe the illusion. Talk about the elements in the video that support the illusion – the title, the bowl of chocolate pieces, and the lack of sleight of hand.

Visit Chocolate Bar Paradox on GeoGebra. Let your students see how the illusion works over and over until they understand where the ‘extra’ chocolate comes from. Use the grid behind the chocolate bar to verify what is happening.

Make sure everyone in your class gets the trick! Make copies of this UnCommon Chocolate Bar on chocolate brown card stock and let your students practice the illusion for themselves. Have extras ready for kids to use on their friends and family!

If an Infinity of Chocolate isn’t Enough

There are plenty of other pranks to use on April Fools’ Day. Please be mindful of using food related tricks with students who are obese, diabetic, or living with food insecurity. You know your class best. Here are some April Fools’ alternatives – just weed out the ones that center on using food.

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Isabelle Hoag M. Ed.