Teachers of Grades 4 – 12 Only Need This One Pi Day Resource:
If you teach grades four through 12 and plan a deep dive into PI DAY 2024, here is the best site for you:
- The NASA Pi Day Challenge – from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at California Institute of Technology. The 2024 Pi Day Challenge will be available on March 7th. In the meantime, check out the Pi Day Challenge Resources by scrolling down the page. Alternatively, you might want to browse through all the NASA JPL CIT Pi Day resources.
Browse Low Prep Pi Day Activities:
If you are teaching your students about pi and other irrational numbers, Einstein’s birthday (and the contributions of his first wife, Mileva Einstein-Maric), or just trying to figure out why some countries celebrate Pi Approximation Day on July 22, you might enjoy the resources listed below.
- Pi Day Art – Teach Beside Me. This activity is for younger students, let older students create the image using Adobe Illustrator or other graphic arts applications.
- Fun Pi Day Ideas – Education Possible.
- Pi Presentation Project – Think Maths – for older students who would enjoy mixing art and math.
- Pi, a Very Special Number – NRICH Maths – information for students.
- Celebrate Pi Day with NCTM – National Council of Teachers of Math – options for various grade levels.
- Pi Day Fun – Mensa for Kids
- Estimating Pi using a Number Line – GeoGebra – I love this simple demonstration of approximately where pi fits on the number line and why.
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