Curated List of AI Resources for Teachers

No one knows where we will end up when we use AI in education. On one hand, it seems as if  everything about teaching will change. On the other hand, I’m encouraged by Isaac Asimov’s quote, “Any teacher that can be replaced by a computer should be replaced by a computer.”

Staying up-to-date in education as always been important ~ now our responsibility for being in the avant guard of our science/art is being tested by advances in artificial intelligence. We are being asked to teach with and teach about artificial intelligence, which means we have to stay current with a field that changes by the minute.

Learning about AI

In order to use AI or teach about it effectively, we must first understand what it is, how it can be used, its benefits and drawbacks. Teachers don’t have to be AI experts, but we do need to know the big ideas, the vocabulary, and central issues facing AI in the future. Bookmark this list of educational resources for teachers so you can continue to visit as the list grows.

Teaching with AI

There are hundreds of free AI tools that can help teachers with all types of chores. Find those that could save you time, and support you in or after class. Check with your school or district in case there are rules or guidelines regarding the use of AI in teaching.

Teaching About AI

Artificial intelligence is new to us, however, it’s likely that our students will rely on AI for entertainment, education, careers, and communication. Where else will they find instructions for making pancakes in antigravity kitchens? Students in school today must learn about AI and how to interact with AI tools in order to be effective adults.

Help me keep you ~ and other teachers ~ in the loop!

Unlike other educational topics, information about AI is updated every second. In order to keep teachers informed about the nature of AI, teaching tools that use AI, and ideas for teaching your students about AI, this page will keep growing. Please let me know which links you find useful from this list, or if you have other links that should be added to this list.

All the best,


Where will using AI in education take us?

Thanks to Tumisu for the image of the robot in front of the chalkboard and to Sasin Tipchai for the image of a teacher and student in the forest. Both images came from Pixabay.

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Isabelle Hoag M. Ed.